What's Up With No More Sundays?

So you probabaly know by now that 1999 will begin without the Greazy Sunday nights at the Cabooze. Since many of you have grown accustomed to sharing your Sunday nights with us, we thought we'd let you know why we'll be messing with your weekly routine for a while:

Anyone heard of an ACL? That's something in your knee that can get really f*@%ed up when drummers play touch football. Dave Anania learned about this the hard way earlier this year. An MRI revealed that he would require knee surgery that will put him out of commission for around 6-8 weeks. (Some of you may remember Dave gimping to-and-from his drum kit on crutches in October when the injury occured.) He can obviously play the drums quite well right now without this surgery, but the Doctors say it has to happen sooner-than-later. With that in mind, the end of the scheduled gigs seemed like a good a time as any for Dave to address this serious issue of ligamentary tissue.

We will all get some much-deserved time to chill and/or travel, and then we will begin to work on new songs. As you may know, Jeremy Ylvisaker replaced John Strawberry Fields on guitar in June of '98, and though he's doing a fantastic job presenting the original material, we haven't been able to actually work on new music with him. So this break will give us an opportunity to do just that.

Finally, we'd like to thank all of you who have made the Sunday nights such a success over the past four months. You truly provide us with a continual source of inspirational fuel in the form of beautiful faces and shaking asses. We never forget what you all give to us, and we plan on returning the favor with new flavas in 1999.

Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

(As of right now, there are no shows on the calender yet for 1999, so keep your eyes posted on www.greazymeal.com for future info.)


The return of Sunday Nights at the Cabooze. September marked the return of the Sunday Night Tribe, and the party was fueled to even greater heights with the Minnesota Vikings 15-1 season. Awesome offensive displays in the afternoons, followed by celebratory throwdowns with the boys at night. (Hey is that Chris Carter?)

Greazy X-Files in Vancouver, BC. How did all those freaky people hear about the Meal? Our first show in Vancouver was a wall-to-wall mutual love-in that somehow felt strangely like the Cabooze on a Sunday night. We fell in love with them, and they fell in love with us, and hey, wasn't that Chris Carter in the back?

Musician Magazine Best Unsigned Bands of 1998. Okay, so it's a contest by a magazine. But thousands of bands enter, and judges like Ani DiFranco, Joe Perry, Keb' Mo' and Moby pick Greazy Meal as one of the best unsigned bands of 1998. We were honored to have been chosen. And we all got free t shirts.

Montreal In The Rain. July 1998, downtown Montreal, around 5000 French-Canadians are grooving with the Meal outdoors when the sky opens up. Mistress implores the crowd in French to provide her with the French word for "rain." Meanwhile us musicians are still struggling to form complete English sentences.

Gravy. Our 3rd CD was recorded, mixed and released. Say Amen!

The International Border Greazy Ultimate Frisbee Tournee. Papa G teaches the band how to play in the parking lot at the border post between Canada and New York. The ensuing pavement battle renders us all useless with hacking coughs and road rash. Man that was fun.

"Funkytown" the movie is released. Who ever thought Greazy Meal would be playing at The Suburban World for a couple weeks in December?

"Ladies and Gentleman.....Ylvis has entered the building!" Jeremy Ylvisaker of Detroit enters the Greazy family on guitar, as StrawB bids farewell to the Greazy gigs. Every dark cloud has its silver lining. Or eyeshadow rather.

...this has been another Greazy Transmission.....

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